South Florida Acupuncture Clinics
Below is a list of highly recommended Partners and Clinics for South Florida Acupuncture offering Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbs, Tui Na, Qi Gong, Food Therapy & Nutrition.
Integrative Medicine US
Acupuncture Coconut Creek
Acupuncture Tamarac
Acupuncture Parkland
Acupuncture Coral Springs
Coconut Creek Acupuncture
Tamarac Acupuncture
Coral Springs Acupuncture
More links coming soon…

Before you decide on any single health care provider, acupuncturist or Doctor of Oriental Medicine, you should thoroughly research them. Use Google and other search engines to find out as much information as possible, read reviews, testimonials etc. You want to make sure that you feel fully comfortable with any person or practice that will be treating you. Luckily, in South Florida Acupuncture is not scarce and you should have plenty of choices to pick from. All the websites above have been verified by us to have links to legitimate practitioners who are certified and are trustworthy with the responsibility of your health.
When you get to your clinic of choice, do not be afraid to ask to see their state certifications, degrees and any applicable insurance they may carry. Make sure the place is clean, well lit and to your liking. The staff should be friendly, hospitable and professional. This will make your overall experience much better and can possibly affect the quality and results of your treatment.
When you meet your Doctor, feel free to ask as many questions as possible and be sure to tell them any relevant health information. Their methods of diagnosis may be a little different from the way your primary care Doctor may have been trained, but they have been proven effective for thousands of years. Don’t feel strange if they ask to see your tongue, check your pulse or ask you personal questions about your mood, dreams and bowel movements. These are all perfectly normal diagnostic methods used by Doctors all over the world for thousands of years and have all been well documented. We really hope the treatments help and good luck finding the best South Florida Acupuncture Clinic for you!