Latest Food Therapy News

Swallowing After Intubation: Food, Position and Therapy
Postextubation dysphagia (PED) is a common but often unrecognized problem in critically ill patients who've been intubated for 2 days or more. Its causes include mechanical abrasion, cognitive disturbances, and the residual effects of narcotics and …
Read more on HCPLive

Hepatitis C Treatment Wins Approval, but Price Relief May Be Limited
A new treatment for hepatitis C developed by AbbVie won approval from the Food and Drug Administration on Friday, setting the stage for a marketing battle with Gilead Sciences, whose two new drugs for the disease have drawn an outcry about the high …
Read more on New York Times

Acupressure can offer much-needed relief while traveling

Acupressure can offer much-needed relief while traveling
Acupressure can help relieve what ails you. The theory is that when you put pressure on key points of the body you can release muscular tension and help promote blood flow to the affected areas. “Acupressure a person can do upon themselves and it can …
Read more on KPLC-TV

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If you feel stressed or anxious, here's a remedy you may not have considered before: acupressure. Many of us are familiar with the concept of acupuncture, the ancient Chinese method of healthcare involving thin needles, which are inserted into various …
Read more on Health Hub from Cleveland Clinic

Constipated? Try pressing your perineum
In a journal article published last week, researchers reported the results of a randomized trial involving 91 patients with a history of constipation who were taught the technique of self-acupressure, in which pressure is applied by the fingers to the …
Read more on Washington Post

Q-Flex – Do-It-Yourself Acupressure Device
A 13-year-old girl from San Luis Obispo, California has developed a flexible device that eases muscle pain – Q Flex. It looks like a modern backscratcher but relieves more than an itch. By applying pressure to specific points on the body, the Q-Flex …

Garden Acupuncture Offering 20% Off Post Holiday Weight Loss Program

Garden Acupuncture Offering 20% Off Post Holiday Weight Loss Program

Brooklyn, NY (PRWEB) December 18, 2014

Garden Acupuncture in Park Slope, Brooklyn is offering 20% off their specialized weight loss program through the end of January. The protocol includes:

-36 Acupuncture Treatments

-6 Chinese Herbal Formulas

-Gua-Sha, Tui Na, Cupping, & Ear Seeds

-Nutritional Support, Information, & Education

-Weight Loss Book

-Individualized Attention and Instruction for 3 Months

Tired of using photoshop on all your holiday pictures? Want to feel healthier, have more energy and look great too? Garden Acupuncture can help kick start your weight loss journey. click here

Garden Acupuncture is a family-run, small business in the heart of Park Slope. They pride themselves on individualized, affordable treatments and are committed to offering the best holistic care to the local community. They also accept insurance.

790A Union St. (between 6/7th Ave)


Specializing in fertility medicine, weight loss and allergies using acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy and nutritional counseling.

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Welcome to South Florida Acupuncture Coral Springs

South Florida Acupuncture Clinics

Welcome to the South Florida Acupuncture blog!

As you may have heard, acupuncture has been proven effective in helping such conditions as arthritis, chronic neck & back pain, fertility issues, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, cancer, and many more types of diseases.

If you are suffering from any type of health problems, you should definitely consider treatment with a natural source that has been practiced for thousands of years before subjecting yourself to any synthetic pharmaceutical medications or surgery.

In the future we will be posting many topics on our acupuncture blog discussing different types of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Oriental Medicine treatments such as Acupuncture, Cupping, Herbs and QiGong. Please check back often to read about our latest developments, scientific discoveries and newest services.

If you would like to be treated at our center for Acupuncture Coral Springs FL, please contact us immediately and set up an appointment for the first available date.  You would be surprised at how much better your will feel and the quality of the results from just a couple sessions. Also, you don’t have to worry if you have never had acupuncture before. It’s simple, quick and painless.

South Florida Acupuncture Coral Springs FL also provides service to Coconut Creek, Margate, Parkland and Tamarac.